Yes, Michael, you should have done more to help that woman. I'm surprised at you. Why didn't you? Domestic violence is a crime. Too many people think it's someone else's problem. And using the term "Karen" belittles women whose name happens to be Karen. Perhaps your word choice could have been better. Perhaps you mean "coward." Ignoring the problem only serves to perpetuate it. Most likely the woman was afraid to speak up. Perhaps you and your partner could have testified as to what you heard. You claim to be "sincere," which means honest and truthful. Even the title of your post sounds very flip.

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Hi Olya. Let me clarify a few things. I was making fun of the idea of Karen. I think it's a silly, absurd jargon word the left uses. I think you might have missed the sarcasm there. More importantly, we didn't ignore the problem: We called the cops. What else, really, could I have done? Fight the guy? And what would that have accomplished? Unfortunately the police could only do what the law allows.

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