In an age when children are irreparably harmed by "therapy", the epic disaster that was "safe and effective" continues to wreak havoc, millions of military aged men with no history of democracy or rule of law are crossing the border illegally and quasi illegally without any real check, misinformation is merely an excuse to set up an industrial censorship complex, and DEI is leading to an increasingly obvious competency crisis, it is impossible for me to imagine how any American is "left" or "center" at this point.

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Sad but largely true. I'm a classical liberal. I think most Dems are, too, but the voters get drowned out by the most extreme messaging via media. The 8% of fringe left progressives and the extremists on the right have seriously damaged the country.

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Most of those extremists on the far right are effectively powerless, and a lot of what is called far right is a propaganda fiction of establishment media. The extremist left on the other hand have effectively taken control of most of education, the media, government, military, the medical cartel and the budding censorship regime. Your center is collapsing against that.

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I think Rogan is basically a Classical Liberal centrist with some leftish social politics and some rightish belief in conspiracy theory. In other words, he's like 1/3 the white guys I grew up with in the small towns of Eastern Washington. Except he's way smarter, way funnier, and could break my shinbone with a leg kick. He's a very gifted member of a huge demographic.

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Sounds fair to me!!!

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Funny but as usual we are on the same page. I had almost EXACTLY the same reaction. He started well, then he showed his true colors. Matt Walsh likes to act like his just this rational, logical guy. But as Joe demonstrates, Walsh's logic only makes sense once you introduce a religious underpinning. Watch the entire podcast and you see that all of his "well thought out" beliefs are actually based on his religion. And once you see through his act, you realize it's all just more "because god says so". Then you realize you've heard it all before. Walsh just has prettier window dressing than most and he hides his religion until pushed. So it turns out that even when he's 'right', it's more accidental than logical. Congrats to Joe for drilling down deep and exposing the radicalism. And all accomplished with skill and without acrimony. And they accuse Joe of being is a right wing bigot? Jeez. The guy couldn't be any more liberal.

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Exactly!!! I agree on everything you said. Joe NAILED it. Walsh seems like a far-right religious zealot in many ways. Yet I don't disagree with some of his fundamental claims. See what I did there, not being totally binary in my thinking? Look, mom; NO HANDS!!!

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That's the sad thing. He makes some good points. If only he weren't such a douche.

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I have watched Walsh's film (most of it anyway, in bits and pieces wherever I could find it since I don't subscribe to the Daily Wire either), and it's very masterfully done, whether you agree with him or not. In the film, he doesn't argue or debate anyone. He just asks the questions in a calm, non-threatening or confrontational manner, and lets people dig their own holes. I've also become a regular Rogan listener in the last year. He is a great interviewer. It's funny that the left hates him and the right is promoting him -- he is a self-described liberal. He detests Trump and that whole side of things, but also detests how far left the Democratic Party is going. He lets people talk, asks pointed questions, but again, in a non-confrontational way, but he's not afraid to push back civilly. My favorite Rogan shows are when he has Suzanne Santo (singer/songwriter/musician) on. She's been on many times over the past few years, and you can tell they've become friends and have a great rapport. They're both fascinating people.

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Yeah I need to watch it. Give the Rogan interview with Walsh a listen; especially the final hour. You’ll get my point. But yes: Rogan is a good dialoguer and we need that right now. I don’t agree with all his views; I do agree with many of them. He does seem to have many more conservatives than lefties on his show. I’d like to see more opposing views. But he’s an important cultural voice.

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Rogan is more along the old-school liberal like Maher on most issues, but with a strong libertarian streak.

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I was also curious about Walsh's film, but I haven't seen it yet either. I'm not a regular listener to Rogan (or podcasts generally) but the vitriol leveled at him by the left, and the ridiculous protest by artists on Spotify when he joined (I like Neil Young's music, but he lost some of my respect when he threw that little tantrum) proves how incapable these detractors are of defending their positions reasonably like adults. Nothing inspires trust and respect like responding to important questions by 1) calling your opponent a fascist/racist/___ist 2) telling him to shut up 3) getting him fired 4) all of the above. From what I've seen of his interviews, Rogan tries to ask and answer those questions in a thoughtful and fair way. Obviously, we can't have that :-|

I don't know much about Walsh beyond what I've seen from this film, so I can't speak to the accuracy of the stats he and Rogan quote regarding 'trans' kids. But if the number IS only in the thousands, that makes it worse. Walsh may be alarmist, but rightly so. The left is forcing us to radically reorient our entire culture including our laws, language, education, employment, science, medicine, sports, and the very way we understand and define objective reality around this minuscule subset of people with highly questionable diagnoses, and demanding we collectively participate in their delusions whether we believe in them or not. We should be alarmed. As it stands, the right more or less owns dissent on this issue, but they've framed it in these antiquated biblical terms, which classical liberals don't want to be associated with. We're in a battle of fundamentalisms, and reason is losing.

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Largely agree. It’s a moral-social panic based on a tiny, tiny fraction of people. It’s frankly bizarre. Working class people of all races seem to get the shaft from the far left while this tiny fraction of trans people are profoundly important in their eyes. I say: Hey, do your thing! If you feel you’re in the wrong body, transition! I support that for consenting adults. But also understand that not everyone is going to like it, and understand that pushing children to do things they can’t psychologically consent to is going to be and should be questioned.

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Exactly. Priorities are so misplaced. What happened to the old left that supposedly used to care about working class issues? The only people who care about these abstract sociological theories of race and gender are overeducated elites. I really don't care what consenting adults do so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. But leave kids (and animals) alone. And don't force the rest of us to agree or participate against our will. That should be a given in an allegedly free society, but here we are...

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I've been listening to the Rogan/Walsh interview, but haven't gotten the end part yet that Michael references. I will note that I never heard Walsh go to any religious arguments on the trans kids issue, just biology, science, history, culture, society, and objective reality.

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That's fair. I should say I'm not opposed to religious arguments per se--people can believe in and argue whatever they like--I just see red flags when people want to impose their ideology, whatever it may be, on others. I'm not opposed to anyone making their case, whether or not I agree with it.

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Dec 10, 2023Edited
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I agree. He's a conservative extremist.

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Dec 10, 2023
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