Got it. One more question. Do you think it's TF kids in general who have a contemptuous attitude toward the working classes or TF kids who work in the arts, journalism, not for profits, publishing, etc.?
I'm glad you brought it up, because I've found that, consistent with your post, money is the real third rail of substack, It influences everything, but writers tend not to write about it with anywhere near the specificity you did.
I can't say as much on Substack, and I don't think it's TF kids in general. I think you highlighted the problem: It's TF kids in the arts, journalism, publishing, etc. I think they currently feel that their objective is no longer Art but is political battle. I think they believe in "whatever it takes" in this area, which means ideological bending-backwards, gaslighting, lying, etc to achieve these goals. I don't defend the Right; they do it in their own way. But we mostly seem to be seeing this, culturally, from the Left side of the spectrum. Though of course the two sides grotesquely feed each other. It's like we're waiting for the adults to show up only to realize...there are no adults.
There is so much to applaud in this essay that I don't know where to begin. I'm reading along nodding and re-reading and nodding.
Then I got to this sentence, "This toxic time we are in is not going to last forever" and I felt like I could take a deep breath. This smart, articulate person I admire is telling me it might end, we currently reside in crazy-land but maybe not forever.
Thank you for calling us out, for helping us see, to question our own perspectives and what we are putting out into the world.
“I also value capital-T Truth, meaning non-tribal, honest, fuck-both-sides-here’s-the-real-deal Truth. This gets me into hot water. How could it not, especially in contemporary times where everyone is supposed to pick sides, choose a tribe/team, stop thinking independently, and use the handed-over pre-packaged language of said chosen tribe.”
💥💥 brother Michael I need to get you on my radio show. I live in hot water.
Oh, I don't mind that they get these jobs. My frustration is that they ignore, judge, belittle and savage the working classes of America. Thanks for the comment, for reading, and for paying! I value your thoughts.
"The labels, the categories, the boxes, the gargantuan absurd claims which include an entire population of people: These, on both the Left and Right, are the ideas that are destroying us. ..." AMEN!
Unfortunately, my daughter buys into all this bullshit. And, no offense, she also thinks Men are shit. She says that they (men) are lucky to have me on their side. I no longer will allow the word "victim" to be used in our conversations, so that's a start. It's going to be super tough to try rewiring the brains of the younger generation.
Great job. It's difficult to write about controversial topics. I score very low on agreeableness but it's still difficult when you know you're putting your writing out there on the internet for anyone to read.
Got it. One more question. Do you think it's TF kids in general who have a contemptuous attitude toward the working classes or TF kids who work in the arts, journalism, not for profits, publishing, etc.?
I'm glad you brought it up, because I've found that, consistent with your post, money is the real third rail of substack, It influences everything, but writers tend not to write about it with anywhere near the specificity you did.
I can't say as much on Substack, and I don't think it's TF kids in general. I think you highlighted the problem: It's TF kids in the arts, journalism, publishing, etc. I think they currently feel that their objective is no longer Art but is political battle. I think they believe in "whatever it takes" in this area, which means ideological bending-backwards, gaslighting, lying, etc to achieve these goals. I don't defend the Right; they do it in their own way. But we mostly seem to be seeing this, culturally, from the Left side of the spectrum. Though of course the two sides grotesquely feed each other. It's like we're waiting for the adults to show up only to realize...there are no adults.
There is so much to applaud in this essay that I don't know where to begin. I'm reading along nodding and re-reading and nodding.
Then I got to this sentence, "This toxic time we are in is not going to last forever" and I felt like I could take a deep breath. This smart, articulate person I admire is telling me it might end, we currently reside in crazy-land but maybe not forever.
Thank you for calling us out, for helping us see, to question our own perspectives and what we are putting out into the world.
Thanks, Donna. Yes, I DO think this is all temporary. We can return to sanity. We have to.
“I also value capital-T Truth, meaning non-tribal, honest, fuck-both-sides-here’s-the-real-deal Truth. This gets me into hot water. How could it not, especially in contemporary times where everyone is supposed to pick sides, choose a tribe/team, stop thinking independently, and use the handed-over pre-packaged language of said chosen tribe.”
💥💥 brother Michael I need to get you on my radio show. I live in hot water.
Let's do it!!!
Please tell us when he's on your show!
Honest question for you.
You seem upset that "Trust Fund kids" with ridiculously good educations get low paying, perhaps high status jobs. What would you have them do instead?
Oh, I don't mind that they get these jobs. My frustration is that they ignore, judge, belittle and savage the working classes of America. Thanks for the comment, for reading, and for paying! I value your thoughts.
"The labels, the categories, the boxes, the gargantuan absurd claims which include an entire population of people: These, on both the Left and Right, are the ideas that are destroying us. ..." AMEN!
Unfortunately, my daughter buys into all this bullshit. And, no offense, she also thinks Men are shit. She says that they (men) are lucky to have me on their side. I no longer will allow the word "victim" to be used in our conversations, so that's a start. It's going to be super tough to try rewiring the brains of the younger generation.
Yes. Agree. Absolutely. I wonder how women with these views towards men? Sounds challenging!!
What Edward said.
Great job. It's difficult to write about controversial topics. I score very low on agreeableness but it's still difficult when you know you're putting your writing out there on the internet for anyone to read.
Ha. Me too re agreeableness.
Keep on being brave. Speal the truth. Unreservedly. You're a part of a small, exclusive club.
Thank you!!!