Feb 28, 2023Liked by Sincere American Writing

Well stated. One of my political heroes is Teddy Roosevelt. He was in the arena and did good things and made some errors. "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing." Journalism is all about being in the arena. I share with many people the observation that after the first WTC Bombing ONLY THREE news sources were in the arena and reported the day-to-day trial of the blind sheik. The NYT, NPR and CSM. All of the rest were MIA and in my eyes dross. ALL OF THE REST had made up their minds and were no longer reachable. This is CRITICAL b/c the lionshare of the rest of us are listening to nonsense and not challenging what they believe. The value of these sources (interestingly the TARGET of lots of NONSENSE) is they reported the important issues of the day. I will take that any day and consider most anything else more like a FB Newsfeed, a Twitter rant, etal.

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Here is a great post about trans athletes.


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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Sincere American Writing

There may be hope they'll finally start reporting with journalistic integrity. Thank you for subscribing to me. I'm delighted to connect with you!

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Sincere American Writing

Completely agree with you, Michael. I'm a gay native New Yorker. I am beyond frustrated with what is being done in my name. To begin with, homosexuality is the opposite of gender dysphoria; rather, it's gender euphoria. The main reason I've started my Substack is to address Wokeism and unravel the fictions that caused it. However, this battle needs to be fought by the transsexual community, or the original T in LGBT, mainly the new FTMs, who for the most part didn't exist before the turn of the century, when critical theory unleashed this rubbish gender-fender-bender nonsense on America, in particular. Now the French find themselves battling "le wokisme"; considering that critical theory comes from French postmodernism, the chickens have come home to roost.

Former porn star Buck Angel is the FTM playing Joan of Arc on behalf of biology and fact. Follow him on Twitter, if you don't already.

I've also designed a "New Woke Times: The Only Views That Are Fit to Print" tee shirt that I'll start selling soon. Made me chuckle. I've been needling the paper for years about this. Before 2020, only 1/4 of my comments complaining about their coverage and pointing out the general BS of Wokeism were approved; now it's 3/4. They are getting better, but they're still far from where they should be with objective journalism, and balance in the Opinion columns, which has way too much influence over the news than they had sitting in the back pages when it was just a print version.

Charles Blow & company have to go. Totally off the wall.

Keep up the good fight!

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