So true! Even on jobs, in life, when you meet people you don’t generally agree with or dislike, you soften up for the most part, since you realize they are human. And empathize at a very organic level.

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killin me here....finally pulled up to job site and its,Already noon


turnin off phone ha

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George Orwell was quite the seer. He summed up the future internet in all its de-humanizing glory.

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Absolutely! Close to the end of a biography on him and wow!!!

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wonderful....Orwell long been a hero of mine since "Down and Out in Paris and London" a Celine -inspired? romp thru the lower class working world of "le plongeurs" (dishwashers etc.)....he never went full Henry Miller and his eyes on the prize politically (see Road to Wigan Pier) seemed always balanced by a certain honesty and modesty which would allow for this correspondence with Spender whom now you have reminded me of in the vast chambers of myown ignorance to one day further explore.....dont make me subscribe to you as well jesus

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