“Ergo, we are trained, consciously and unconsciously, by parents, society, the media, culture, peers, books, TV and film, etc to narrow our spiritual and metaphysical vision down to manageable size.”

Pretty much sums up the gigantic hole most of us have in our lives. It’s trained into us. Only the tortured or the painfully self-aware ever wrestle beyond the immediate and pedestrian.

Great piece Michael. Excellent, thought-provoking, and intelligently referenced. Bravo. And fuck you for reminding us how small we are. Worms 🙄

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What a thought provoking piece. You nailed so much of what we do to cope (consume, consume, consume; stay busy) and avoid the inevitability that the elephant in the room is indeed going to crush us. Scrambling around him is futile. But how human to believe we are gods who can leash the beast and carry on. Beautiful, Michael.

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Thank you!

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